Earth… 2020… is a False Reality.

In fact, it has likely been a false reality for over 2,000 years.

Consider this:

History is written by the Victor, after bloody, brutal war.

War after War after War results in Perverted Manipulated history written on top of Perverted Manipulated history… (odd enough, since 99% of Victors were men… His Story is called history).

Consider this:

Everything [your] govt tells you is a lie. They are obsessive pathological liars who go on TV each day and vomit insidious lies all for the purpose of raping plundering and pillaging  You, and every other citizen of this planet.

Consider this:

When you are Accused of committing an ‘offense’ in the USA (interestingly, Satan is defined as the “Accuser”)….  which involves No moral turpitude, Nor any victim (AKA victimless, mala prohibita, regulatory, public welfare offenses), you are basically guilty of bruising the Super Ego of the State. You offended the legal fiction State. (understand that in legal land, States, Corporations, Partnerships, etc… are all legal fictions. They are not tangible, They exist only in your imagination, but employ huge armies to kill you if you do not obey the notion).

You are incarcerated, your family destroyed, your potential to be employed destroyed…. because you DISOBEYED a LEGAL FICTION… not because you harmed anyone, because you offended a FALSE REALITY.

I would go further and say that a State is more offended when people Disobey It, than when a people harms or kills another…. The State Ego (individual agent actors as wells as the collective beast system) is easily bruised, and the psychopathic dynamic of this False Reality, is it takes that more seriously than genuine, mala in se crimes where one is victimized.

In conclusion, this psychopathic system has been functioning with relentless and brutal intent on obtaining total control, domination, and dictation of the global narrative that it demands mankind embrace.

When did the founding of “America” include the doctrine that anyone who disobeys the govt shall be sent to its prisons??? Sounds more like China or Russia… oh wait, None of the “Nations”on this ball of dirt are distinguishable when it comes to most of their social policies… oh wait, they are, USA imprisons more people than any other Nation… congratulations you Evil Birds


The evidence of this False Reality is in the Old Testament, Pentateuch, Mosaic Law, Torah.

The truth about Man’s origins is not disclosed.

Omission is the darkest Evil.


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